Meħlus mill-ħabs Freed from prison

Hemm verżjoni waħda ta' dan is-sinjal. Agħfas il-buttuni hawn taħt biex tara l-istampi, il-kitba u l-vidjow.

There is one version of this sign. Use the butttons below to view the photographs, signwriting and video.

  • Sketch
    Stampi, kitba u vidjow 1
    Pictures, signwriting and video 1

Is-sinjal għal MEĦLUS MILL-ĦABS isir biż-żewġ dirgħajn mimdudin fuq xulxin bl-idejn forma ta’ ponn fuq quddiem. Imbagħad id-dirgħajn jimxu lejn il-ġnub u l-idejn jinfetħu biex is-swaba’ jinfirdu.

The sign for FREED FROM PRISON is made with the two arms lying over each coter and the hands in the shape of a fist at the front. Then the arms move to the sides and the hands open up so that the fingers are apart.